A Zen Buddhist Community in Shelburne, Vermont

India Pilgrimage Presentation—June 16

16 jun 2024
Pilgrimage has been part of Buddhist tradition since the time of the Buddha. Roshi Kapleau spent many months on pilgrimage, traveling throughout Southeast Asia, before settling in Japan to begin his Zen training in the early 1950's.

Twenty years later, he took small groups of students on pilgrimage to Japan and China and urged his senior students to make visiting those countries a priority in their training.

Over the years at our Centers in Vermont, Toronto, and Costa Rica, pilgrimage has become an important adjunct to our Zen training. Members have made six pilgrimages to Japan, China, and most recently, India. The pilgrimages are not sight-seeing trips, but are undertaken in the spirit of Zen training. There is daily zazen, and offering of incense, prostrations, and chanting services at each of the temples and monasteries we visit.

Our most recent—and most arduous—Triple Sangha Pilgrimage was a two-week journey in February following the footsteps of the Buddha in India. Fifty-five people from five countries attended. The ambitous itinerary was organized by Buddhapath and customized for our large group.

India Pilgrimage Presentation

On Sunday, June 16 starting at 9:00 a.m. there will be a presentation in the dining room about the pilgrimage followed by an Indian meal. All are invited, but we need to know how many people are coming in order to prepare the meal and set up the room. Please sign up below by June 14 for either the in-person or Zoom option.

Those who cannot attend in person are welcome to participate via Zoom. You must register to receive the link.